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Study: Women prefer natural cosmetics

Cosmetics without artificial additives on the rise

There is a shift in our society, a move away from the artificial towards the natural and sustainable, be it in transportation, nutrition or cosmetics. That this is not just a subjective claim is demonstrated by a GFK [German Society for Consumer Research] study conducted on behalf of NATRUE, the International Natural and Organic Cosmetics Association.  


90% of women prefer natural cosmetics

As a matter of fact, nine out of ten of the women interviewed said that they preferred natural and/or organic cosmetics to conventional care products. But there’s a snag: The cosmetics market is nowhere near of meeting the demand, especially in terms of price and availability of the natural cosmetics products. While smaller manufacturers have been specialising for many years in premium-quality organic and natural cosmetics to supply specialist retailers, the major and well-known cosmetics manufacturers are only slowly opening up the strongly growing market to ensure increased availability in supermarkets and drugstores.


Identification of active ingredients in natural cosmetics

59% of the women interviewed said that they paid attention to the reliable identification of ingredients when buying natural cosmetics. As there is no statutory standard for organic cosmetics yet, female consumers rely on the renowned and well-known ECOCERT label and/or the COSMOS label (COSMetic Organic Standard).


You can find premium-quality active agents for natural cosmetics and/or organic cosmetics with the ECOCERT and COSMOS labels in our product portfolio.


Studie: Frauen bevorzugen Naturkosmetik

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