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Valuable ingredient for cosmetics: Elderflower extract

Highly effective skin care with Sambucus Nigra Flower Extract

Sambucus – the elderberry – belongs to the moschatel family (adoxaceae) and comprises more than twenty species ranging from the red or black elderberry to the Canada elderberry or Japanese red elder up to the danewort which is often also referred to as dwarf elder. In our latitudes, we usually mean sambucus nigra – the black elder – when we think of elder. Its valuable ingredients show highly appreciated effects in cosmetic products.


Elder – from the myth to the medicinal and skin-care plant

Seen from a historical point of view, the elder is a real success story: In prehistoric times already, it served as food and dye. The elderberry bush can be found in a number of religions, myths and in folk belief. In Norse mythology, for example, it was considered to be the home of Freyja, the goddess who protected people’s house and home. Later on, it was dedicated to Mother Hulda – Frau Holle in German – where its German name presumably comes from. This is reflected in “Holler”, the Palatine, Ancient Bavarian and Austrian designation of the elderberry.  The medicinal properties of the plant and its parts used to be referred to as the “farmer’s pharmacy” and it was mainly the so-called flower tea which was used as a remedy for colds and fever.


Elderflower extract – Black elder in cosmetics

The myths around the elderberry are a thing of the past, but the effects of sambucus nigra in natural healing methods and cosmetics have remained. Luckily so, because the bioflavonoids and natural tannins the gentle elder flower extract contains have a stimulating, membrane-stabilising, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory effect in cosmetics and lastingly reduce oxidative stress of the skin. In line with this, the INCI Sambucus Nigra Flower Extract is a quality indicator for the promotion of a beautiful, healthy and silky-soft skin.  

Premium-quality elderflower extract for cosmetics is also available from us.

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Wertvolle Inhaltsstoffe für Kosmetik: Holunderblüten-Extrakt

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